The Parish Pastoral Council is a faith-filled leadership group through which priests and people work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in our parish. Through this partnership we aim to create a vibrant Christian community, rooted in baptism and marked by its faith, worship and service. The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body with the role of evaluating the current pastoral needs of our parish, developing a pastoral plan and co-ordinating its implementation, drawing on the gifts and talents of the parish.
Membership of the PPC President: Fr. Paul Johnstone, , Chairperson: Peter Robinson Vice chairperson: John Savage, Secretary: Gillian Finlinson Remaining Members:Sean Close, Mary Caroll, Helen McCrory, Barry Close, Lynda Mills
PARISH VISION STATEMENT ‘Christ is life, we exist to bring his life to our part of God’s creation’
PRAYER We ask all to pray for the work of the parish that we may bring God’s word to the world and build his kingdom. We encourage parish groups and individuals to use the parish prayer.
Following the pandemic our aims are: YOUTH MINISTRY
To fully support the development of a Youth Ministry in the parish.
To continue to develop the confirmation programme.
To engage parents in the life and message of the church through the baptism, confirmation and First Holy Communion programmes.
Grow the children’s liturgy and encourage more people to help.
Support the development of the Priory Club
WEEKEND MASSES: We aim for excellence in all of our weekend masses and look to encourage greater participation. We want our churches to be welcoming to the stranger, with highest quality liturgy.
Establish welcoming teams at the 7:00pm vigil and 5:30pm Sunday Mass.
Continue to grow the number of people who are involved in music in our masses.
Create a programme of attractive / simple liturgies outside of mass.