A Service of Reflection and Prayer with a relaxed atmosphere designed to stimulate memories. This informal type of prayer and worship is open to everyone including those living with dementia - Monday 2nd December, St Mary's Parish Room, 1pm.
Morning Prayer in Advent - Come and recite morning prayer during Advent in St Mary’s, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8.30am. A prayerful way to prepare for Christmas.
Blessing of Town Crib - The crib on Cleator Moor square will be blessed at 5 pm on Tuesday 10th December followed by refreshments in the Methodist Church. All welcome.
Pensioner’s Christmas Lunch - on Wednesday 11th December, 1 pm in St Joseph’s School, Frizington, £3. All welcome. To book contact Claire tel. 810702
Christmas Service for the Bereaved - Christmas can be a difficult time for those who have lost loved ones especially if this is their first Christmas without the deceased. On Thursday 19th December at 7 pm in St Mary’s Church, we shall be having a simple time of prayer.
St Patrick’s School Carol Service - Thursday 19th December, 1.30 pm in St Mary’s Church. St Joseph’s School Christmas Carol Service - Thursday 19th December, 5.30 pm in St Joseph’s Church.
Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve 6:00 pm St Mary’s 8:00 pm St Josephs Midnight St Mary’s Christmas Day 9:00 St Joseph’s 10:30 St Mary’s